ACORN: A Culture of Corruption

Monday, June 29, 2009 at 2:57 PM
ACORN was born out of the 60's leftist movement, founded by Wade Rathke who was later fired for embezzlement; this firing only took place after being exposed by the media. ACORN has always had issues with obeying the law, but it was only after the Obama campaign that ACORN's true corrosive and corrupting nature was exposed. Allegations span from ACORN using Mafia-like tactic to get the job done, such as threats, intimidation, race baiting or registering dead or ineligible voters. Currently, ACORN is being investigated by twenty states for such allegations. The House of Representatives were speaking of investigating ACORN, but mysteriously John Conyers(D), of the House Judiciary Committee, stated that the investigation of ACORN would not go forward because of powers that be. Who could those powers be other than President Barack Obama, considering he worked for ACORN and it was widely alleged that ACORN committed fraud during the Obama campaign; not widely known, is the fact that ACORN received money from the Obama campaign. The New York Times was going to do a story on on the Obama/ACORN connection, regarding the allegations of corruption, but the story was killed by pressure from unnamed persons.
Let us not forget ACORN's share of responsibility for the sub-prime mortgage crisis, where ACORN coerced banks into lending to those who didn't qualify for a loan under the threat of race baiting. It is no wonder that congress does not want to investigate ACORN, considering the allegations of corruption and fraud during the Obama campaign, to protect their "Dear Leader" or the fact that congress has given ACORN millions only to use the funds to to commit crimes.
ACORN is no different than organized crime, in fact there are pending RICO charges against the organization. ACORN was born out of the movement from Hell, the leftist movement, and if they are not stopped, they will bring Hell with them.


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